The APCM was held at Holy Trinity after the 10.30am Morning Praise service on Sunday 15th May.
We were delighted to say that our Church Wardens, Mary Bunting and Peter John Davies were both willing to continue to serve God in this way, and they were re-elected with acclaim – and many thanks.
Peter John read the Wardens’ Report for 2021 as part of the Morning Praise Service.
Andy Hampshire took us through the accounts very carefully, reporting that income from planned giving had risen, whilst cash collection via the plate had dropped – not surprising during a year when services were very restricted. But the good news was that the Parish Share had been paid in full (with the help of a grant from the Diocese) which helped to ensure that we could retain a full-time Vicar. The challenge for 2022 is to pay the Parish Share in full again (£73 000), with total expenditure predicted as £90 000, against predicted income of £84 000.
Treasurer Andy Hampshire
The Treasurer’s Report and the Wardens’ report appear in full elsewhere on the website.
At the first meeting of the PCC after the APCM, Andy Hampshire was re-elected as Treasurer, and Ann Basham was re-elected as Secretary. Elizabeth Bateman was re-appointed as the Independent Examiner of the accounts.