Blackburn Diocese has prepared a series of readings for Lent in a booklet called ‘Signs of Life’. The readings follow the Gospel of St John, and each reading has a commentary. The booklet is available at Holy Trinity. The readings will be updated regularly.
“These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through him you may have life in his name.” John 20: 31
Wednesday 23rd March John 7: 37-52
Thursday 24th March John 7: 53 – 8: 11
Friday 25th March John 8: 12-20
Saturday 26th March John 8: 21-30
Sunday 27th March John 8 : 31-59 The Fourth Sunday of Lent
Monday 28th March John 9: 1-41
Tuesday 29th March John 10: 1-21
Wednesday 30th March John 10: 22-42
Thursday 31st March John 11: 1-44
Friday 1st April John 11: 45-57
Saturday 2nd April John 12: 1-11
Sunday 3rd April John 12: 20-50 The Fifth Sunday of Lent
Monday 4th April John 13: 1-20
Tuesday 5th April John 13: 21-38
Wednesday 6th April John 14: 1-14
Thursday 7th April John 14: 15-31
Friday 8th April John 15: 1-17
Saturday 9th April John 15: 18 – 16:4
Sunday 10th April John 12: 12-19 Palm Sunday
Monday 11th April John 16: 5-15
Tuesday 12th April John 16: 16-33
Wednesday 13th April John 17: 1-26
Thursday 14th April John 18: 1-40 Maundy Thursday
Friday 15th April John 19: 1-30 Good Friday
Saturday 16th April John 19: 31-42 Holy Saturday
Sunday 17th April John 20: 1-31 Easter Sunday