The Adullam Programme in Lancaster

The Adullam Programme in Lancaster

What we do

The Adullam Programme is a self-referral, voluntary programme available to give people a second chance at life regardless of their background. We provide support for those struggling with isolation and/or poor mental health within a safe and healthy community as well as a pathway for people to be given the opportunity, self-confidence and tools they need to overcome their struggles, as well as fulfil their potential and find their purpose.


Here at Adullam we offer a range of courses that will help you on your journey. From CAP Money management to Celebrate Recovery, each of our courses will be there to support you and our aim is to equip you with all you need to lead a fulfilled and enjoyable life.


Having fun is so important for our mental wellbeing and we enjoy social activities as well as our weekly courses. In the last few years we have enjoyed a variety of events which provide opportunity to get together, connect with the wider community, and raise awareness of the work of Adullam.

We are already planning more events for 2024 including: a Burns Night Ceilidh, another CrossBay Walk (by popular demand!), and a fun Treasure Hunt.

Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for information of what’s coming soon! It would be great to have you join us.

Residential Programme

We work alongside a local rehabilitation centre to provide residential accommodation for people in second stage recovery, our aim being to help them transition into independent living, within a supportive community.


With your support we can change even more lives: from people struggling with their mental health, feeling isolated or needing to find their purpose.

We couldn’t continue our vital work without your support. Setting up a monthly donation helps our work for the long-term, ensuring we can make a difference on an ongoing basis.  To donate click below