‘WARM AND WELCOME’ at The Library

I wanted to let you know about Bolton-le-Sands Library continuing our Warm and Welcome offer this winter and wondered if you would be able to let your congregation know as we want to be able to reach out to those who would benefit. Throughout winter, anyone can come to Bolton-le-Sands Library to stay warm especially with the current cost of living crisis and the ever-increasing costs to heat our homes. There is FREE tea and coffee available to keep people warm and we have games and puzzles for all ages for entertainment.

On Fridays, we have a couple of groups who meet which are open to everyone to join. From 10.30 until 12.30 we have Scrabble Club, where the aim is to have fun and doesn’t matter if people think they “aren’t good at spelling” as current members are keen to pass on their knowledge and they help each other out. We also have Craft and Chat in the afternoon, from 2-4pm. Whether people want to craft or just chat, there is something for everyone and of all crafting abilities. There’s also a brew and a biscuit available for those who attend the groups. I can genuinely say that both groups are incredibly friendly and welcome new members quickly. The groups are great for helping to combat loneliness and again free to attend and are open to everyone.

If you know of anyone who would benefit from such schemes, please can you let them know. We’re trying to get the word out around the village and tell as many people as possible.

Best wishes,

Bethany Dale

Library Assistant

Bolton-le-Sands Library

Cultural Services

Lancashire County Council

T: 0300 123 6703

W: www.lancashire.gov.uk