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GOOD NEWS!            The Community Coffee Mornings are starting on Thursday 2nd  September  in the Community Centre, 9-30 to 11-30 (subject to the latest Government guidelines).

Getting back to ‘normal’ – the Community Centre continues to proceed with some caution. We are liasing with our “regulars” on a user by user basis.
Some Covid safety and security measures are still in place as we feel we need to convince users that we are being sensible and safe. Many users are potentially vulnerable and that is why we continue with some controls in place.
We are not encouraging “occasional” use at the moment, due to the varying nature and requirements of such one offs.
Our aim is to resume business as usual by January,hopefully.
There will be a Committee Meeting on Thursday 9th September 2021 7pm – Agenda

1. Welcome – Chair
2. Matters arising from previous meeting – 25th May 2021
3. Treasurer’s Report – Peter Bayliss Treasurer

4. Booking Secretary Report – Sharman Robinson
5. Progress of improvements programme – Chair
6. Any other business –If possible, in writing to the Sec beforehand.

Ian Birnie
Bolton-le-Sands Village Hall/Community Centre  – 9th August 2021


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