We have planned a day of prayer starting on Tuesday evening 20th July and carrying though all day Wednesday 21st July.
It is titled ‘Prayer Pilgrimage’ and will include, amongst other things, praying for our parish and ourselves as we pray for a new incumbent.
1. Tuesday 20th July in the evening: title ‘Meditation on Hymns and Prayer’. We will follow the theme which Margaret Foster led in our last First Friday Service. It will run from 7pm to 8pm and will be in church.
2. Wednesday 21st July : the church will be open for prayer throughout the day
3. Wednesday evening there will be another themed service titled ‘Praying together as a church family’.
On the Wednesday we are asking people to spend 30 minutes praying, ideally in church, and if this is not possible at home, so that prayer will fill the day. There is a list that people can put their names for different time slots on the table where the collection plate is held in the back of church.
We know the Bishop, Archdeacon and Diocesan staff have repeatedly encouraged us to do this and it would be great if as many people as possible would commit to doing this, those who are members of our church, but also others in our parish community.
Mary Bunting and Peter John Davies – Church Wardens