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We all cook at some point, from a quick lunch to a more extravagant Sunday roast and most people will rarely consider the fire risk. However, cooking related incidents are the biggest cause of accidental fires in Lancashire causing almost 45% of all accidental fires in the home!

Whilst everyone cooks or uses their kitchen at some point and could be at risk of a fire, some people are potentially more vulnerable to either having a fire or not being able to call for help when one starts. This is why we want to share our safety messages with our partners, as you are probably supporting or caring for people who are more at risk. For example:

  • People living with dementia can be at an increased risk of incidents, such as forgetting about what they are cooking, putting a plastic kettle onto a hob, or leaving cooking unattended for significant periods of time.
  • Using medication, alcohol or drugs can impair a person’s judgement, make them drowsy and less likely to respond in case of an emergency.
  • Those with poor mobility may struggle to escape in case of emergency. They may also be less able to move items, causing places like the kitchen to become cluttered.

You might have even spoken to someone who mentioned that they had a near miss in the kitchen but didn’t call the fire service.

Our advice to help everyone keep safe when cooking is:

  • Keep the kitchen clean and clear of clutter, especially the hob, oven and grill.
  • When cooking, stay in the kitchen. If you must leave, move any pans off the heat before doing so.
  • Don’t store any items in the oven or under a grill.
  • Double check timers before using items microwaves, air fryers, toasters, or other appliances.
  • Be careful when cooking with loose clothing, such as long sleeves or baggy tops.
  • Keep children and pets out of the kitchen especially when cooking.

Cadent Gas can fit a locking cooker valve for people living with Dementia. The service is free regardless of their energy supplier. Referrals can be made via Locking cooker valves – Cadent Gas Ltd or by calling 0345 835 1111.

These easy tips will hopefully reduce that risk of having a fire in the home, but if something does happen, please always remember: get out, stay out, call 999. People should never try to put a fire out themselves as you will be more likely to be hurt, so stay safe whilst cooking.

For more information clicck HERE

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