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We are getting nearer to the so called ‘normal’.  Rev John Gordon has been appointed as a Minister to the FLAG Partnership (Forton, Lancaster and Garstang).  He has already been seen by some of us on a Sunday Zoom service.  Also, he has telephoned a number of us for a chat.  Within the next few weeks, he hopes to take a Sunday morning Zoom service.


If you do not have Zoom at the present time, you do miss out on things which you could have attended.  The big disadvantage of it is that you do not meet people in the flesh.  The big advantage is that you do not have to miss out on things, such as being able to speak live to people and have physical contact with them .  We do have regular communion services, slightly modified in that you have to use your own bread and wine.  Even modern technology does not enable wine or a coffee to be poured down the telephone line.  Hopefully, now that so many of us have had our first jab, we will be able to meet up before too long.



Best wishes to all

Robert Swain

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