Everyone will hopefully have heard by now about the wonderful donations received as a result of our Parish Giving Day at the beginning of November. Whilst we did not reach the target of £16000, a sum in excess of £10500 was received and with the extra 25% Gift Aid, we are almost there.
Thank you to everyone who donated, large or small sums, and to those who continue to donate on a regular basis through our Planned Giving scheme – I have plenty of blank standing order forms for anyone who has not yet joined the scheme, and would like to!
I now hope that we will be able to meet all our financial commitments by the end of the year. This is now dependent on the income from our end of year social events coming up to hopes and expectations.
As ever, Andy Williams and his team have planned a super series of events including the Ladies of Note concert, the Advent Fair and the online shop selling Christmas wreaths, crosses and many more seasonal items.
Based on past experience we hope to raise £3500 it more from these and other events, so can I encourage everyone to help and support them.
Bring your friends, family and loose change – there will be a warm welcome awaiting them.
Andy Hampshire
Treasurer, Holy Trinity and St Mark’s