Prayer Is Power
Courses and Events
We regularly run courses that will help you to grow in your faith and provide valuable input into your life as well as putting on events with the aim of having fun together and blessing those in our local community.
Look at the full Church Calendar for more information on all that’s going on.
Small Groups
Small groups are exactly that, a smallish (6–12) group of people from church who want to know more about God. They meet in church members’ homes weekly or fortnightly to study the bible, pray, and develop great friendships.
We have small groups located in and around the town and all you have to do to join is talk to us. We can put you in touch with the small group leader who will be happy to invite you along to their group.
Avada Church is a movement of churches working together to change the nation through a network of church leaders, national gatherings, training events and resources. Giving God all the glory he deserves.
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