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These readings are taken from the Common Worship Lectionary : Advent 2020 – Eve of Advent 2021.

They are taken from the readings set for the principal service of the day.

1st        Isaiah 30, 15-21; John 14, 1-14                       Philip and James, Apostles

2nd       Acts 8, 26-end; John 15, 1-8                           5th Sunday of Easter

3rd        Acts 14, 5-18; John 14, 21-26

4th        Acts 14, 19-end; John 12, 20-26

5th        Acts 15, 1-6; John 15, 1-8

6th        Acts 15, 7-21; John 15, 9-11

7th        Acts 15, 22-31; John 15, 12-17

8th        Acts 16, 1-10; John 15, 18-21

9th        Acts 10, 44-end; John 15, 9-17                       6th Sunday of Easter

10th      Acts 16, 11-15; John 15, 26-16, 4                   Rogation Day

11th      Acts 16, 22-34; John 16, 5-11                         Rogation Day

12th      Acts 17.15,22 – 18.1; John 16, 12-15             Rogation Day

13th      Acts 1, 1-11; Luke 24, 44-end                         Ascension Day

14th      Acts 1, 15-end; John 15, 9-17                         Matthias the Apostle

15th      Acts 18, 22-end; John 16, 23-28

16th      Acts 1, 15-17, 21-end;John 17, 6-19               Sunday after Ascension Day

17th      Acts 19, 1-8; John 16, 29-end

18th      Acts 20, 17-27; John 17, 1-11

19th     Acts 20, 28-end; John 17, 11-19

20th      Acts 22, 30, 23, 6-11; John 17, 20-end

21st      Acts 25, 13-21; John 21, 15-19

22nd     Acts 28, 16-20, 30-end; John 21, 20-end

23rd      Acts 2, 1-21; John 15, 26-27, 16, 4b-15          Pentecost : Whit Sunday

24th      Ecclesiasticus 17, 24-29; Mark 10, 17-27

25th      Ecclesiasticus 35, 1-12; Mark 10, 28-31

26th      Ecclesiasticus 36, 1-5, 10-17; Mark 10, 32-45

27th      Ecclesiasticus 42, 15-end; Mark10, 46-end

28th      Ecclesiasticus 44, 1, 9-13; Mark 11, 11-26

29th      Ecclesiasticus 51, 12b-20a; Mark 11, 27-end

30th      Isaiah 6, 1-8; John 3, 1-17                               Trinity Sunday

31st      Zephaniah 3, 14-18; Luke 1, 39-49                 Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth


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