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These readings are taken from the Common Worship Lectionary : Advent 2020 – Eve of Advent 2021.

They are taken from the readings set for the principal service of the day.

1st        Colossians 1, 1-8; Luke 4, 38-end

2nd       Colossians 1, 9-14; Luke 5, 1-11

3rd        Colossians 1, 15-20; Luke 5, 33-end

4th        Colossians 1, 21-23; Luke 6, 1-5

5th        Proverbs 22, 1-2, 8-9, 22-23;James 2, 1-17                14th Sunday after Trinity

6th        Colossians 1, 24-2.3; Luke 6, 6-11

7th        Colossians 2, 6-15; Luke 6, 12-19

8th        Colossians 3, 1-11; Luke 6, 20-26                               Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary

9th        Colossians 3, 12-17; Luke 6, 27-38

10th      1 Timothy 1, 1-2, 12-14;Luke 6, 39-42

11th      1 Timothy 1, 15-17; Luke 6, 43-end

12th      Proverbs 1, 20-33; James 3, 1-12                               15th Sunday after Trinity

13th      1 Timothy 2, 1-8; Luke 7, 1-10

14th      Numbers 21, 4-9; John 3, 13-17                                 Holy Cross Day*

15th      1 Timothy 3, 14-end; Luke 7, 31-35

16th      1 Timothy 3, 14-end; Luke 7, 36-end

17th      1 Timothy 6, 2b-12; Luke 8, 1-3

18th      1 Timothy 6, 13-16; Luke 8, 4-15

19th      Proverbs 31, 10-end; James 3, 13 – 4, 3, 7-8a            16th Sunday after Trinity

20th      Ezra 1, 1-6; Luke 8, 16-18

21st      Proverbs 3,13-18; Matthew 9, 9-13                           Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist

22nd     Ezra 9, 5-9; Luke 9, 1-6

23rd      Haggai 1, 1-8; Luke 9, 7-9

24th      Haggai 1, 15b-2.9; Luke 9, 18-22

25th      Zechariah 2, 1-5, 10-11; Luke 9, 43b-45

26th      Esther 7, 1-6, 9-10; James 5, 13-end                          17th Sunday after Trinity

27th      Zechariah 8, 1-8;Luke 9, 46-50

28th      Zechariah 8, 20-end; Luke 9, 51-56

29th      Genesis 28, 10-17; John 1, 47-end                              Michael and All Angels

30th      Nehemiah 8, 1-12; Luke 10, 1-12

*Holy Cross Day is celebrated on September 14th. Holy Cross Day honours and commemorates the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross for our salvation. This holiday is also known as “The Triumph of the Cross” in the Roman Catholic Church and as the “Exaltation of the Holy Cross” in the eastern church .


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