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In 2003 the Vicar of Holy Trinity, Tom Maidment, had a vision of a large purple Advent bannerbearing a cross and on which a quadrant would be unveiled each week. With the practical help of others, Tessa Wilkinson set to work to realise this vision, creating the banner which has been displayed each year since.  The Christian symbolism of the banner represents the journey through life.


The bottom half of the banner represents Earth; the top half represents Heaven.

Week 1:  The bottom left quadrant represents us in a sea of confusion, seeking salvation.  John the Baptist, the tallest wave, leans against the vine, which represents our Lord.

Week 2:  In the bottom right quadrant the storm has calmed; we begin to understand.  John the Baptist waters the acorns so that they will grow, the real acorns representing us and the painted one representing Christ.  People move towards Christ: some are close; some are at a distance.  The grapes, i.e. the nations, have become united. The barley represents God Our Father, Our Lord broken and the spirit – Christ with us in our brokenness.  

Week 3:  At the top left the right arm of Christ upholds Heaven and shelters the Earth.  The lion lies down with the lamb, the moon symbolises the New Dawn and the stars (the churches) have come together.  Christ and His bride represent the marriage of God Our Father to the New Jerusalem and the barley represents the Trinity.

Week 4: The dove of the Holy Spirit is released.  The star above Christ symbolises the coming together of the seven churches and the bright temple dome on His shoulders signifies the New Jerusalem.

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