The Church Wardens gave their annual report to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 25th April 2021.
Church Wardens report.
In many ways this is a difficult and unique report to present. At the beginning of the
year no one would have ever comprehended the complexities that were to befall us.
And yet I have to say overall the church community has been flexible and dare I say
adapted and is continuing to adapt well. No one would have ever dreamt of using so
much technology to deliver services or had fast track teaching on how to zoom!
1. Church Services:
We have flexed from ‘normal’ services at the beginning of the year, to dedicated
zoom services mid-year, to hybrid church and zoom services mid-year and then back
to zoom services at the end of the year!
Thank you for your adaptability. Mary and I truly appreciate your sensitivity and
perseverance during this time. We did not want to set up a booking register for the
services between July and the end of the year, not wanting to turn anyone away.
Amazingly we have been able to accommodate everyone and we are grateful to all
who gave us their names and contact details so willingly. Nancy has been
phenomenal as she trawled for music and sermons which has taken a considerable
amount of her time and energies.
Specific Services:
The Sunday 10.30am services have indeed grown, and we have had a number of
people from outside the parish, and children joining them which has been a joy to
The Wednesday service has continued, with a faithful and growing congregation.
We ran some church 2nd Sunday services which has most definitely been
appreciated by family members. Indeed, there were occasions this service drew
more people that the 10.30am service. The Zoom afternoon services have generated
much fun as children race around their homes collecting items.
The Glebe Field services have been complex to organize in one sense but a joy as
so many people have been to at least see, wave, shout, and or speak to friends they
have not seen for a long time.
Specific services including the Carol service in the church grounds, the 4pm Crib
service in the Glebe field were unique and much appreciated.
2. MU. We are grateful for the way Kath Lane and the team have maintained
their MU meetings.
3. Men’s Breakfast has continued during lock down and meant a great deal to
many men as they have been able to continue and deepen friendship and
4. First Friday has continued to be a blessing. It is a joy seeing so many different
people taking on a role and the way so many people from outside the parish
and indeed internationally are joining us
5. House Groups continue to anchor many people during this time. We would
love to see more house groups starting
6. Amazingly Andrew Williams has been running weekly crash courses on
specific issues to do with zoom and computers and I know from these people
have gained confidence and perhaps even surprised their grandchildren with
their extended abilities
7. We even had an on-line Christmas fayre!
We are grateful with the way different working groups have continued during the
1. Pray ers. Those who faithfully, individually and in small groups pray for the
work of the parish. If we do not continue to pray for the work here then we
‘build on sand’. It is God’s work we are doing and to do this we need to
faithfully spend time with Him to know what we should be doing.
2. The great work of the Building and Fabric group to maintain our lovely historic
3. The Graveyard and church grounds group. It is such a pleasure to see the
grounds being transformed. I know may people who daily walk through the
church value all of this work
4. The Finance Team as they diligently work to ensure we can cover all of our
5. The Welcome Team as they faithfully turn up to church early to prepare and
welcome people in. Even during lock down, we are grateful to those who
helped us out as Mary and I dealt with extra COVID responsibilities.
During the first 3 months of the year, prior to lockdown we thank the
6. The Baptism team as they faithfully organized, welcomed and supported
families before, during and after the baptisms, sometimes in lively noisy
services. I find it fascinating that even when people have left the parish and
come home for baptisms, they still call it their church. What has been rooted
in their younger years still impacts on them.
7. Ian Entwistle, the ‘boys’ band’ and others who have enriched our services with
their playing and led us in worship. Thank you.
8. The Coffee Mornings that took place that not only generated income for the
church but enriched fellowship between attendees.
We want to recognize everyone who responded in practical ways to COVID:
1. Andrew Williams and those who set up the Neighbourhood Covid response to
care for people within our parish
2. Those who stepped up, went out of their way and cared for neighbours,
friends, and those who you might not have known that well, and contacted,
shopped, got medicines and kept ‘an eye’ on people
3. Those who cared and supported people going through bereavement during
lock downs when people were so isolated and alone.
‘When the going gets tough, the tough get going’ and in many ways many of you
have done this, whether by adapting to new technology and ways the services are
run; reaching out and caring for each other, and indeed to people outside our church
community. We are a parish church; therefore, we should always focus on all people
within our parish
The coming year, 2021, will be complex, occasionally difficult, as we as always step
into the unknown. Although we do not know how the year will pan out God does.
Can we encourage you to become active in the ministry of your church and parish? It
isn’t what you can’t do that is important but what you can. Each little act of service,
prayer, encouragement, support, builds up the church body.
Thank you.
Mary Bunting and Peter John Davies