The Messenger edition from February 2012 contained Revd Gerwyn’s last ‘Ministry Message’ as he prepared to move back to Cardiff after two and a half years as our Parish Priest. Reflecting on his time here, Janet Thompson wrote that Gerwyn had shown ‘understanding, care and compassion’, often in difficult times. She mentioned his attention to detail, and how he had helped us to accept, and cope with, our financial responsibilities, which enabled us to pay our Parish Share. Gerwyn had guided us, and led us, by his ‘inspirational preaching, through which he had made the gospel come alive and be relevant to the modern day.’ Gerwyn’s last service at Holy Trinity was the 10.30am Eucharist on Sunday February 5th 2012.
The Rt Revd Gerwyn Capon left the parish to become the Archbishop’s Chaplain at Llandaff Cathedral. He is now the Dean of Llandaff, a post he has held since February 2014.
Ruth Mason reported on the news from St Mark’s, including the fact that £120, raised at the Carol Service in the Village Hall, had been donated to the Children’s Society. Maree Aldren continued her series of ‘Saints of the Month’ with an article about St Ethelbert, whose feast day is February 15th – the day after that much better known Saint! Mary Bunting reported on the Parish Retreat to Cumbrae, in the Clyde, which had taken place in November, led by Revd Gerwyn. The theme for the First Friday service was ‘Victory’, and readers were invited to submit their thought about a place which had special significance for them in preparation for the March First Friday, when the theme would be ‘A Special Place’.
Junior Church (3 to 7 year olds) featured ‘In The Spotlight’ with Amanda Graham explaining the aims of the group, and appealed for more adult helpers for all three children’s groups : Junior Church, Rock Solid and Heat. The news from Christ Church URC featured at article about the Carnforth Local Information Centre, and Pam Bentley reported on the recent activities of the Mothers’ Union. At the AGM in January, Sheila Parker had spoken about her ‘Walk to Emmaus’, and the programme for February included a ‘Wave of Prayer’ service at Holy Trinity, as well as the annual lunch on Shrive Tuesday at Morecambe Golf Club.
The ‘Family Christmas Fair’ on December 3rd had been held in the school, and had raised £2100 for church funds. There was a report on the work of the pre-school and playgroup, accompanied by pictures of their nativity service and Christmas Fair. Marian Davies welcomed Hazel Short as the new President of the WI, and reported on the many activities planned for the members in the coming months. Advance notice was given of the St George’s Day concert at Holy Trinity, with the date to be confirmed because of the crowded calendar of events in April. Robert Swain gave an account of two recent meetings of The Men’s Group, where Barry Guise had given a talk on The Midland Hotel in December, and Tony Jackson had spoken about the History of Church Furniture’ in January.
The Parish calendar for February included three baptisms, and a Healing Service at Holy Trinity – and there was a reminder of the regular monthly ‘Parish Surgery Hour’ in the evening at Holy Trinity.