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In Spring 2024 the PCC presented our “Annual Report 2023, which can still be seen at the back of church.  A lot of things have happened since then so it was feels appropriate to update you.  

Mission Action Plan – Three Pillars – Children and Young People, Discipleship and Pastoral Care

We are now in an improved situation with our Mission Action Plan. In May Helen Wadeson was appointed as Parish Vision Champion to help progress things, and we have seen the results. We have a vibrant Messy Church, now two 9.15 services a month for families, and support for “Youth Cafe” in Slyne. We had a big project to increase the numbers of parishioners being active with our “Re-Fresher Week.” The Visiting Team, established in the summer, sets out to provide support for those in need.  At the moment this focuses on our own parishioners but plans to expand would enable them to provide wider support to residents of the village.

Worship at Holy Trinity

The development of worship at Holy Trinity has been enhanced by moving the complete Sunday services onto Powerpoint slides. There has been a greater involvement of parishioners in services with prayers, preaching, and worship leading. Peter-John Davies has trained to become an ‘Authorised Local Minister,’ and was licensed as such in September. As a consequence of these various things we have seen the number of worshippers grow across all services.

Worship at St Mark’s

St Mark’s has shown a decline in numbers attending services over a period of many years, and 2024 saw the start of a project to re-establish and re-focus St Mark’s. A sub committee of the PCC was set up in June to look at the future of our mission and ministry in Nether Kellet.

Financial Update 

Twice a year we pause and ask for your financial support. If Holy Trinity and St Mark’s has brought you nearer to God and the people around you please consider donating.  We appreciate the gift regardless of the amount.

The work of the Holy Trinity and St Mark’s is only possible because of the generosity of friends and supporters like you!  At the beginning of the year, after meeting all our commitments in 2023, our Treasurer estimated that we were looking at a potential shortfall of £25000 in 2024. Following his presentation at the Annual Meeting a few months ago many people reviewed their Giving, and this figure has reduced to £15000 – still quite a challenge with less than two months to go.

Our total commitments as a Parish are over £120,000 per year and as we are a charity we receive no income other than that which we provide for ourselves. 80% of our income comes from your personal donations, plus Gift Aid. The response to the challenge is therefore, as always, in our own hands.

There are many ways to donate – please look on our website HERE


This is seen as a vital activity and outreach for the parish. We now communicate to over 3,000 people each month through social media, publicity in the parish and neighbouring villages. The team also produces all the posters and other publications used by the parish. The use of Zoom continues to enable parishioners, unable to be at our Sunday service, to join in online.

Social Team.

Putting on social activities to encourage parishioners and the wider community to enjoy being with each other and also to raise essential funds supporting the work of the church in the parish continues to develop. We also participate in the life of the village, most recently with our display in church as part of the village “Scarecrow Trail”.

Mother Union

With one of the biggest Mothers Union in the diocese it is a very active group.  Supporting its members and furthering its principle of caring for families it is involved in visiting and fundraising. They also support the MU caravan which provides holidays for families who might not otherwise have a holiday.

Fabric Update

Maintaining the fabric of the church is a continuing commitment of time and resources in order to meet statutory requirements for the safety of the building. Installing a second drop-down screen in the North aisle has enabled more of the congregation to view the service without the need for as many printed service sheets. The old mortuary building on the Glebe Field is being reinstated as a storage building to reduce clutter in the church. Similarly the Choir vestry has been reorganised with racking and shelving.

The gardening group have been very busy during the summer, planting and pruning to make the gardens worthy of many comments from the community. The bible garden has been reinstated with plants and their relevant bible chapter and verse identified.


This continues to be a high priority for our parishes.  The following statement was agreed at the Parochial Church Council (PCC) meeting held on 2 Feb 2021 and re-confirmed after amendment on 19th March 2024.

The safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults is an integral part of the life of the church, set out clearly in legislation, and is everybody’s responsibility. As a parish, we aim to provide the safest possible environment to enable our children to grow and flourish, and all adults to feel safe and welcome.”

The full policy can be viewed on our website HERE


Best wishes


Rev. Peter Hamborg



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