Dear friends at Holy Trinity and St Mark’s,
You may know International Aid Trust through our charity shop on Market Street in Carnforth; part of a network of charity shops that help fund our life changing work around the world. Our headquarters are located above our furniture store in Chorley.
‘Christian Compassion for a Hurting World’ really sums up what we do as a charity. We work with Churches and trusted Christian partners across the world and in the UK to relieve suffering through practical aid such as food, clothing, medical supplies and shoebox gifts.
In Eastern Europe, West Africa and India we share Christ’s love with people in need through a wide range of ministries. These include schools, children’s homes, prison ministry, rehab centres, healthcare, and training courses such as tailoring projects.
Despite the difficulties of the last eighteen months, our staff and volunteers have continued responding to the needs of their communities with the practical and spiritual gospel.
In India lockdowns have been devastating for daily wage earners, Bishop Kota and the team have been providing food parcels and meals for families and children affected (pictured). They are continuing to see people come to faith in Jesus, despite increased persecution of Christians, and have recently been able to distribute Bibles to new believers.
In Ukraine, Klekhivka Church, led by our administrator Pastor Igor, is reaching out to an impoverished village called Gvardiyske, with shoebox gifts and holiday clubs for children (pictured). They have also blessed the village by clearing litter and have put on a meal to which all local people were invited. A church has now been planted at Gvardiyske.
In Sierra Leone Pastors Michael and Alice have begun visiting a very remote village called Pollot (pictured), sharing the gospel with people who otherwise wouldn’t hear about Jesus. Our Midwife Marion and Nurse Rebecca also visit villages to provide free clinics and health talks in areas without healthcare.
If you would like to find out more please visit our website: . If you have a few hours to spare we have opportunities for volunteers at our Carnforth shop, pop in to find out more.
Thank you for your support
With every blessing,
From all at International Aid Trust,
Julie Rowlandson (Community Ambassador)