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In his ‘Ministry Message’, Revd Gerwyn wrote about prayer, and advised readers to ‘Try and find some time each and every day to spend with God. Talk to Him, listen to his still, small voice, and if you’ve not spoken to him for a while, renew your relationship with Him. He really does want to hear from you.’

Gerwyn also reported that we had been given a very substantial anonymous donation towards the cost of the icon of St Michael which is now in the St Michael Chapel at Holy Trinity. This was specially commissioned for Holy Trinity and produced by Christi Servuie, a Romanian icon artist. It was dedicated on the feat of St Michael and All Angels, September 29th 2011.

Gerwyn paid tribute to three recently deceased parishioners who had contributed so much in many different ways to Holy Trinity and St Mark’s: Bill Aldren, Margaret Titchmarsh and Derek Crossley,

In a financial report, Gerwyn said that we had managed to pay our full Parish share for a number of years, but that we needed to think about increasing our giving, and outlined the relatively new ‘Gift Aid’ scheme, urging those who qualify to use it to help increase the church’s income.

Harvest was to be celebrated at St Mark’s on the first Sunday in October, and at Holy Trinity on October 9th.

Pam Bentley reported that the Mothers’ Union had enrolled 7 new members at the Opening Service, bringing the branch membership total to 95.

The First Friday Service at Holy Trinity was ‘A Celebration of Abundance’ – songs and readings to celebrate the Harvest. Members of the WI took part in a ‘Heritage Walk’ designed to celebrate the refurbishment of the Old Boys’ School. Maree Aldren wrote about St Luke’s life as the ‘Saint of the Month’ feature.

A Coffee Morning at The Vicarage raised 263 for church funds. Kelly Ruscoe, aged 16 at the time, wrote about her experience of the ‘National Citizen Service’, a scheme which was designed to give teenagers new skills for life and the opportunity to meet new people and make a difference in the community. For Kelly, this included time spent at Eskdale Outward Bound Centre and Ambleside Youth Hostel, and volunteering at Grizedale Forest, cutting down unwanted trees and improving disabled access paths.

There was a reminder of the meeting times for Junior Church, Rock Solid and HEAT, our three groups for young people, and advance notice of a ‘Cheese Tasting’ event, organised by the Social Group as another fund-raiser.

The October Calendar showed a busy month ahead, with two weddings and eight baptisms, the MU Coffee Morning, the Church Coffee Morning, Men’s Fellowship Supper and Quiz, as well as all the regular services.


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