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1st        Hebrews 11, 32-end; Mark 5, 1-20

2nd       Hebrews 12, 1-4; Marks 5, 21-end

3rd        Hebrews 12, 4-7, 11-15; Mark 6, 1-6a

4th        Hebrews 12, 18-19, 21-24;

5th        Hebrews 13, 1-8; Mark 6, 14-29

6th        Hebrews 13.15-17, 2—21; Mark 6, 30-34

7th        Proverbs 8.1, 22-31; John 1, 1-14

8th        Genesis 1, 1-19; Mark 6, 53-end

9th        Genesis 1, 20-2.4a; Mark 7, 1-13

10th      Genesis 2, 4b-9, 15-17; Mark 7, 14-23

11th      Genesis 2, 18-end; Mark 7, 24-30

12th      Genesis 3, 1-8; Mark 7, 31-end

13th      Genesis 3, 9-end, Mark 8, 1-10

14th      2 Kings 2, 1-12; Mark 9, 2-9

15th      Genesis 4, 1-15, 25; Mark 8, 11-13

16th      Genesis 6, 5-8: 7, 1-15, 10; Mark 8, 14-21

17th      Isaiah 58, 1-12; Matthew 6, 1-6, 16-21

18th      Deuteronomy 30, 15-end; Luke 9, 22-25

19th      Isaiah 58, 1-9a; Matthew 9, 14-15

20th      Isaiah 58, 9b-end; Luke 5 27-32

21st      Genesis 9, 8-17; Mark 1, 9-15

22nd     Leviticus 19. 1-2, 11-18; Matthew 25, 31-end

23rd      Isaiah 55, 10-11; Matthew 6, 7-15

24th      Jonah 3; Luke 11, 29-32

25th      Isaiah 55, 6-9; Matthew 7, 7-12

26th      Ezekiel 18, 21-28; Matthew 5, 20-26

27th      Deuteronomy 26, 16-end; Matthew 5, 43-end

28th      Genesis 17, 1-7, 15-16; Mark 8, 31-end


2nd       Candlemas – The Presentation of Christ in the Temple

16th      Shrove Tuesday

17th      Ash Wednesday

21st      First Sunday of Lent

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